How Many Visionary Companies are in Your 401(k)?
Just how valuable are visionary CEO's when compared to their non-visionary counterparts? The difference can hold in the balance the success or failure of your entire portfolio, according to Anthony Rhodes, the owner of wealth management firm The Planning Perspective (, in a must read posting on his How To Invest blog ( called "Myopic Managerial Miasma" (
"The role of Chief Executive is the most important of any company." he began. "But just like other positions, some CEO's are more talented than others." he added. "There is a clear difference between the visionaries and the non-visionaries, and investors need to understand how owning stocks which employ one over the other can impact the value of their portfolios."
We are all familiar with celebrated visionaries like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, and how their creativity and focus both shaped our current reality and fueled their companies' astonishing growth. But Mr. Rhodes thinks that seeking out stocks with comparable leadership qualities today should be the rule in establishing a successful portfolio, and not the exception.
"The visionaries are the ones who shape the future." he stated. "Through their perception and insight the mapping of tomorrow takes place." he followed. "The companies who are fortunate enough to employ visionary leaders are the very same ones that navigate the transition from past to present. While in the process of doing so, those corporations without them often struggle for survival, with the results transferring to the value of their shareholders." he concluded.
The post explores examples of these ramifications.
(Copyrighted material. Do not reproduce without permission.)
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